Optimizing screening practice for gestational diabetes mellitus in primary healthcare facilities in Tanzania: research protocol – Reproductive Health

Optimizing screening practice for gestational diabetes mellitus in primary healthcare facilities in Tanzania: research protocol  Reproductive Health Source link

Jaguar Health Announces Import of Coca Leaf From Peru by Joint Venture Magdalena Biosciences for Research in Treating Mental Health Indications – AccessWire

Jaguar Health Announces Import of Coca Leaf From Peru by Joint Venture Magdalena Biosciences for Research in Treating Mental Health Indications  AccessWire Source link

Unmarried, unwanted, unsafe: New sexual and reproductive health research in Morocco is breaking barriers to keep women healthy | IDRC – International Development Research Centre

Unmarried, unwanted, unsafe: New sexual and reproductive health research in Morocco is breaking barriers to keep women healthy | IDRC  International Development Research Centre Source link